Thursday, April 26, 2007


What flitting times I live in..

Well, I got the lights on the car fixed and optimized. Turns out the fuses actually were broken this time! So now, all that remains is a tire replacement, oil change, inspection, and uh.. oh, a new fuel filter. That done, I think I have a chance at keeping the car through the move. I'd like to, since I have such a bitchin mileage (mystery mileage, as it is never the same two days).

The days seem to be getting shorter as A-kon and the move get closer. While I'd have all of May to make money at Tien An Men, I'm not sure I'll be able to register for kon, and the room's gonna come close if I'm not rich enough. However, if that doesnt go through, Chris'll just have to deal.. I just wanted to bring the 360 out there and bring the heat on Guitar Hero.. I've nearly mastered The Trooper on expert, just gotta get the spacing on the low-to-hi weedlies after the second chorus.

But things're looking slightly up finally, the prospect of money's got that happenin. Plus, Mr. Angel reckons he can just drive over here to get me and my stuff, saving on money and boredom. It's gonna be a blast, hopefully!!

- T

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